Metaverse: Will virtual reality be our workplace in the future?

Fifty years from now, when we think back to our time, the two-dimensional Internet we now use will probably look laughably outdated.

Most likely we will not use the Internet through a screen, but our interaction with it is likely to be completely different than it is at the present time.

We'll control objects using Augmented Virtual Reality (AR) technology, explore VR worlds, and mix the real with the digital in ways we can't currently imagine.

But what effect does this have on the work environment? We have already begun to move away from the traditional nine in the morning and end at five in the evening work hours, and we have begun to turn our backs on the traditional office workplace. Thanks to two years of Covid lockdowns, and our newfound fondness for virtual meetings - or at least our acceptance of them.

Metaverse, a virtual-reality space in which users can inter-relate with a computer-generated environment and other users. 

So, would the next logical step be to work inside Metaverse, the virtual world currently being planned, in which our cartoonish 3D virtual twins would represent us, walk, talk and interact with each other?
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